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Die Frucht der Götter

Xantho Plus Fruit of Gods

CaliVita ® International expands its offer with a new product, which contains valuable mangosteen fruit called fruit of gods and other natural ingredients with powerful antioxidant effect.

Have you ever wondered how much of each day we are exposed to the harmful effects of smog, chemicals, stress, cigarette smoke, UV radiation, ionizing radiation, ozone ... that negatively affect our health?

The above mentioned factors contribute to the formation of free radical responsible for damage important biological structures in cells, leading to structural and functional abnormalities.

Therefore, to ensure an adequate supply of compounds with antioxidant activity in the daily food ration is considered to be one of the basic conditions for proper nutrition and good health.

Xantho PLUS is a formula containing a complex of antioxidants that work synergistically to provide protection against free radicals.

What can Xantho PLUS offer you?

The main component of the product is a unique Asian fruit - mangosteen containing xanthones valuable that due to the strong antioxidant properties protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. ORAC ratio (ie, the capacity to absorb free radicals) of the juice of the mangosteen, in comparison with other fruits is very high and is about 17000. Mangosteen fruit extract is standardized to mangostin content (one of the most studied xanthones) and polyphenols. Mangosteen originated from the Malay Archipelago, in East Asia and according to the legend was given to the people by the Buddha. Due to the fact that the mangosteen is known as the richest source of valuable xanthones, has been hailed as "the fruit of the Gods"

The product contains the extract of green tea leaves, standardized for content of epigallocatechin gallate, the antioxidant 100 times more powerful than vitamin C and 25 times stronger than vitamin E, as well as

grapefruit extract, which is rich in vitamins, flavonols, terpenoids. Another active ingredients of the product is

Grape seed extract - rich in proanthocyanidins, preferably affecting both the cells, due to the antioxidant activity and the structure of the blood vessels,

pomegranate fruit extract - a source of ellagic acid, which is a great defender of the cells. Composition of the product has also been enhanced with

bilberry fruit extract and blueberry fruit powder - which strong antioxidant properties is due to of high anthocyanin content.

Advantages of Xantho PLUS

Xantho PLUS contains extracts from the fruit, in which has been preserved a natural harmony of the active ingredients, resulting in mutual synergy of their activities and increase their bioavailability to the body. The active ingredients of the product - as powerful antioxidants - are additional defense of the body against free radicals. Protecting our cells from oxidation, may help delay the aging process of the body and positively affect the cardiovascular system.

Xantho PLUSTo whom Xantho PLUS can be recommended to?

■ people nourishing irrational;
■ people abusing alcohol and certain pharmaceuticals;
■ older people;
■ people physically active and performing heavy physical work;
■ people living in a polluted environment;
■ active and passive smokers;
■ people who work in any harmful conditions;

■ all those who want to protect themselves against the effects of free radicals.


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